About Us

welcome to addiction recovery institute

Take the first step toward recovery

At the Addiction Recovery Institute, we believe that an effective, structured treatment program can help guide a patient down the path to recovery. We are confident that ARI has put together such a program. By addressing both the physical and psychological components of addiction, we are able to treat the individual as a whole and improve the likelihood of achieving lasting recovery.

Many of our patients have furthered their education, obtained training and employment, established careers, improved family relationships, and improved their self-esteem. Commitment to change and adherence to a quality recovery program can produce dramatic results in a person’s life. If you keep an open mind and are willing to actively participate in treatment, ARI can and will help you accomplish your goals and turn your life around.

If you or a loved one is struggling with substance use disorder, we can help.
why choose us

We’re here to help.

We’ve helped thousands of people overcome their substance dependence problems.

Compassionate Care

We treat every individual in our care with dignity and respect, and we know everyone by name. A patient is never just a number or statistic to us.

Dedicated Team

Our diverse staff of medical, nursing, counseling, and administrative professionals are all committed to helping patients achieve their recovery goals.

Individualized Treatment

Every patient is different, so treatment plans are tailored to each individual in order to meet their specific needs and goals.

Beyond the Patient

We welcome family and friends to participate in treatment if a patient so chooses, and seek to educate and inform the community as a whole.


Common Myths about Methadone

Despite overwhelming evidence of Methadone benefits, many people view it negatively Relying on the facts will increase the chance that people will enter and sustain recovery from opioid addiction.

Fact: Though Methadone is a medication that is opioid-based, it is fundamentally different from short acting opioids such as heroin and prescription pain killers. The latter go right to the brain and narcotize the individual, causing sedation and euphoria known as a “high.” In contrast, addiction medications like Methadone reduce drug cravings and prevent relapse without causing a “high.” It helps people dis-engage from drug seeking and related criminal behavior and become more receptive to behavioral treatments.

Fact: Leading addiction professionals and researchers have concluded that individuals stabilized on Methadone can indeed achieve true recovery. This is because people do not use illicit drugs, do not experience euphoria, sedation, or other functional impairments; and do not meet diagnostic criteria for addiction. Methadone/buprenorphine treatment does not consist of medication only, but also behavioral interventions like counseling and Health Home services. The medication normalizes the brain chemistry so that individuals can focus on counseling and participate in support groups necessary to enter and sustain recovery.

Fact: There is no one size fits all duration for MAT. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMSHA) recommends a “phased approach”, beginning with stabilization (withdrawal management, assessment, medication induction, and psychosocial counseling), and moving to a middle phase that emphasizes medication maintenance and deeper work in counseling. The third phase is “ongoing rehabilitation”, when the patient and provider can choose to taper off medication or pursue longer term maintenance, depending on the patient needs. For some patients, MAT could be indefinite. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) describes addition medications as an “essential component of an ongoing treatment plan” to enable individuals to “take control of their health and their lives.” For Methadone maintenance, NIDA states that “12 months of treatment is the minimum.”